Join us on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, at 2:00 PM EST, for our ABA / AtlAS joint program, “Views on Preliminary Views: Should the Tribunal Show Its Cards?”. The program was inspired by the linked article, written by one of our presenters, Chris Campbell (Senior Counsel, Litigation, Baker Hughes, Florence, Italy), so we thought you might want to read it before the event.
The panel also includes Dana MacGrath (MacGrath Arbitration, New York) and Christof Siefarth (BODENHEIMER, Cologne, Germany), so you will get the perspectives of in-house counsel, a European practitioner, and US-based practitioners. We also hope to have active participation from the attendees. The full program background is below:
This program is co-hosted by:
Views on Preliminary Views: Should the Tribunal Show Its Cards?
Should arbitrators provide the parties with their preliminary views on all or some of the disputed issues before they issue the final award? This practice is common in some jurisdictions and almost unheard of in others. By sharing its preliminary views, the tribunal could facilitate a faster, cheaper, more efficient dispute-resolution process. Even if it does not lead to settlement, the tribunal’s preliminary views would allow the parties to focus their attention on the things the tribunal cares about most. On the other hand, the parties may feel like the tribunal has prejudged the case without giving them a full and fair opportunity to present their evidence. This panel will offer the perspectives of in-house counsel, a European practitioner, and US-based practitioners. We also hope to have active participation from the attendees.
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