Join AtlAS
Membership Benefits
Membership is open to anyone with a demonstrated interest in arbitration who will support the objectives of the organization.

Networking opportunities with practitioners, corporate counsel
judges, law professors, and neutrals.

Educational and training opportunities.

Opportunities to influence, refine, and streamline the international dispute resolution process.

Opportunities to increase member profile and branding through speaking assignments and preparation of papers and articles.

Access to worldwide professional, academic, and public service organizations as well as business and trade associations.

Ability to vote on matters presented to membership.
Membership and annual fees for 2021
- $1000 for law firms with more than 10 lawyers (which will entitle those firms to AtlAS website listings for six lawyers)
- $500 for law firms with fewer than 10 lawyers (which will entitle those firms to AtlAS website listings for three lawyers)
- $500 for non-firm organizations
- $250 for individuals who will be listed on the AtlAS website
- $150 for full-time academics (full time students or faculty)
- $100 for non-US resident lawyers