September 7, 2023
The Thursday, September 7th AtlAS meeting will be a virtual format and will include a moderated discussion with Steven Skulnik, FCIArb titled “Arbitration Law Developments.”
August 10, 2023
The Thursday, August 10th AtlAS meeting will be a hybrid format, both in-person and virtual and will include a moderated discussion with Alan M. Anderson, PhD, FCIarb titled “Four Years after signing the Singapore Convention on Mediation – A first Analysis and Outlook.”
June 8, 2023
The Thursday, June 8th AtlAS meeting will be a hybrid format, both in-person and virtual and will focus on the business of the order, including discussion of upcoming events, society initiatives, and committee activity.
August 19, 2021
AtlAS’ August meeting will feature a program dedicated to international mediation and the new Georgia Uniform Mediation Act, legislation drafted by and passed with the society’s support.
May 27, 2021
AtlAS May plenary meeting: Servotronics v. Rolls-Royce - What the U.S. Supreme Court’s Upcoming Decision on Section 1782 Means for International Arbitration